about kim
Kim Talbot currently resides in Calabasas/Malibu area with her husband and two of her three children. Kim spent her formative years growing up as a young girl in London, England and later moved to Toronto, Canada where she lived until relocating to LA in 2009.

With a husband in the Entertainment industry and a daughter who is an actress, the family is no stranger to the Event/Entertainment/Music world.

Kim is happiest working for her next event and on days off can be found enjoying a beach day with her kids.

Fun facts about Kim
1. Kim is married to her Junior High school boyfriend who is an Entertainment Exec. in the music and film industry.

2. Kim is passionate about writing and poetry. In another life she wishes to be a romantic poet. Math was difficult to grasp but Shakespeare wasn't.

3. Kim is an excellent cook and loves cooking big family dinners especially Italian feasts.

4. Kim has a great talent for taking a clients wishes and turning them into a vision beyond their dreams.

5. Kim's nickname amongst her family is Simonay as in Simon Cowell as her truthful no nonsense personality bears an unbearable likeness. Her other nickname is OZ - as she seemingly delivers peoples wishes like the great and powerful wizard of Oz.

6. At every event once it is clear it is a huge success Kim rallies up the staff for a toast to the team with either a shot of tequila or a glass of champagne around midnight as there is a team effort with every event and tremendous bonding experience with all involved.
Kim Talbot © 2017
Locations: LA/Toronto/Malibu/Calabasas/Westlake